1.   Alexander Lazutkin and Vasily Tsibliyev piloted their Soyuz capsule to a safe landing in the barren steppes of Kazakhstan.

2.   Shuttleworth and his two crew mates, Russian commander Yuri Gidzenko and Italian pilot Roberto Vittori, landed safely on the barren steppe of Kazakhstan on Sunday.

3.   Stalin accused the two Muslim Caucasus peoples of collaborating with the Nazis and sent them to the barren steppes of Central Asia.

4.   The Soviet dictator accused the two Muslim Caucasus peoples of collaborating with the Nazis and sent them to the barren steppes of Central Asia.

5.   Under pressure from the Bush administration, the agency blundered badly, no more so than in the barren steppes of Uzbekistan in Central Asia.

6.   When they touch down in the barren steppe of central Kazakstan, several dozen rescue workers, medics and officials will be waiting on the ground.

a. + steppe >>共 41
barren 7.79%
eurasian 7.79%
mongolian 6.49%
bleak 5.19%
russian 5.19%
arid 3.90%
asian 3.90%
open 3.90%
vast 3.90%
wind-swept 3.90%
barren + n. >>共 186
land 5.47%
island 5.47%
islet 4.88%
hill 4.69%
landscape 4.69%
field 3.52%
desert 3.13%
ground 2.73%
mountain 2.34%
tree 1.76%
steppe 1.17%
每页显示:    共 6