1.   And many anglers are also switching to barbless hooks with some angling clubs already requiring them.

2.   Also suggested is that only barbless hooks and artificial lures or flies be used, according to a release issued by the San Francisco-based nonprofit organization.

3.   Also, remember that fishing must be done with barbless hooks and that there are severe restrictions on keeping fish.

4.   Anglers may fish the lake at Sebago Station with barbless hooks, fly only, catch and release.

5.   Certainly, striped bass anglers have used barbless hooks for years and treat their catch with extreme care.

6.   Flies and lures, with barbless hooks only, are the only legal method of fishing for trout.

7.   It was a fat, footlong brown that burped at me as I slipped the barbless hook from its jaw.

8.   Jennie caught a nice rainbow and admired it a moment before Will slipped the barbless hook from its lip.

9.   Just as he finished his sentence, a fish hit and Sorochan leaned back on the rod, setting the barbless hook.

10.   She uses barbless hooks.

a. + hook >>共 266
left 38.24%
right 7.94%
short 2.32%
big 2.13%
quick 1.65%
powerful 1.26%
good 1.26%
sharp 1.16%
metal 1.06%
barbless 1.06%
barbless + n. >>共 5
hook 73.33%
catch-and-release 6.67%
fly 6.67%
grasshopper 6.67%
lure 6.67%
每页显示:    共 11