1.   Lingering in the air was the unmistakeable odor of barbecue smoke.

2.   But amid the barbecue smoke and the skyrockets, she still appreciates what freedom means.

3.   She appreciates the appealing smell of barbecue smoke and the sublime flavor of baked French goat cheese.

4.   The Pit had been smoking meat for so long in this building that the wooden roof is stained black with barbecue smoke.

5.   Throw in some barbecue smoke, however, and night games in spring are just as good.

n. + smoke >>共 127
cigarette 35.60%
tobacco 16.70%
cigar 9.54%
marijuana 4.60%
diesel 1.19%
gun 1.02%
incense 0.85%
chimney 0.85%
barbecue 0.85%
factory 0.85%
barbecue + n. >>共 144
sauce 26.87%
grill 14.46%
pit 5.27%
restaurant 4.93%
season 3.06%
joint 3.06%
dinner 2.21%
place 1.53%
flavor 1.19%
chicken 1.19%
smoke 0.85%
每页显示:    共 5