1.   As at most Japanese annual meetings, the press was barred, but for the first time DKB let reporters watch from another room via closed-circuit television.

2.   About how Baldwin then tried to blame a Daily News reporter for the cover-up and retaliated by barring the press from Matadors practices until university administrators interceded.

3.   The press is barred from even watching, let alone asking questions.

4.   The press was barred from the meeting, but tape recordings made by Hemings descendants showed deep rancor on the part of the whites.

5.   To preserve its educational character, the journalism school decided to bar the press from the classroom.

6.   Paul, who has repeatedly ruled in favor of the prosecution, also barred the press from writing about the contents of the document.

7.   Asked by an Australian television reporter why the foreign press should be barred from a free speech event, Yaw referred to the title of the talk.

8.   Excerpts of the recording were read Wednesday but Paul barred the press from reporting the conversation that the defense claimed involved Ummi.

9.   He barred the press from reporting their contents.

10.   Monaco coach Jean Tigana held practice behind closed doors before leaving for the game and barred the press.

v. + press >>共 306
meet 8.70%
muzzle 4.35%
use 2.96%
get 2.87%
tell 2.77%
stop 2.47%
brief 2.37%
control 2.27%
accuse 2.08%
keep 2.08%
bar 1.78%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
use 1.57%
inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
entry 1.14%
people 1.12%
press 0.32%
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