1.   A provision of the treaty bars extradition if a fugitive would be subject to harm because of his religion, political views or nationality.

2.   German law bars extradition of suspects to countries where they may face execution.

3.   Spanish law and European treaties bar extradition to countries where defendants can be executed or tried in secret hearings with no right to choose their own lawyers.

4.   Plavsic said Serbs were cooperating with the tribunal, but cited the constitution which reportedly bars extradition of Bosnian Serb citizens.

5.   An Italian court rejected a Turkish warrant for the arrest of Abdullah Ocalan on Friday under a law barring extradition to countries where suspects faces the death penalty.

6.   Critics said the decision violated a Dominican law barring extradition of citizens, and some senators debating an extradition bill protested the move.

7.   Colombian law bars extradition of its citizens to stand trial abroad.

8.   Earlier Thursday, Serbia delivered the former dictator to a tribunal official, ignoring a court ruling that barred his extradition to stand trial for alleged atrocities in Kosovo.

9.   He argues that domestic laws bar extradition of Yugoslav nationals.

10.   He is also wanted in New York on drug trafficking charges, but Colombian law bars the extraditions of its citizens.

v. + extradition >>共 149
seek 17.98%
fight 14.02%
request 8.13%
await 5.08%
allow 4.06%
demand 3.76%
face 3.56%
waive 2.54%
approve 2.34%
oppose 2.18%
bar 1.73%
bar + n. >>共 1096
journalist 4.30%
reporter 3.69%
woman 2.41%
company 2.37%
discrimination 1.59%
use 1.57%
inspector 1.25%
access 1.18%
entry 1.14%
people 1.12%
extradition 0.61%
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