1.   If all banks sell securities, they will all lose deposits and balances as their own customers buy securities.

2.   If you default on your loan, the bank can sell the car and recoup the rest of its money.

3.   Throughout the day the bank sold both dollars and European currency, in an effort to shore up the pound.

4.   Often the banks sell those letters at a discount to be traded for cash.

5.   Although the suit contends that the bank illegally sold credit histories and other information to Memberworks, the firm is not a defendant in the case.

6.   Among other changes, the so-called Big Bang would allow major money center banks here to sell debentures, which are unsecured bonds.

7.   Among other changes, the so-called Big Bang would allow major money-center banks here to sell debentures, which are unsecured bonds.

8.   American Express is trying to revive its sluggish growth by getting banks to sell its products.

9.   Among gainers, property insurers rose after the Nihon Keizai newspaper said a Japanese government panel called for letting banks sell their insurance products.

10.   Among other changes, the so-called Big Bang would allow major money-center banks here to sell debentures.

n. + sell >>共 1471
company 14.36%
investor 8.43%
government 3.29%
store 2.78%
bank 2.23%
trader 1.82%
shop 1.57%
vendor 1.30%
firm 1.28%
book 1.12%
bank + v. >>共 793
be 11.94%
say 7.17%
have 5.85%
make 1.73%
sell 1.17%
offer 1.14%
charge 1.06%
take 1.05%
plan 0.96%
use 0.94%
每页显示:    共 198