1.   In Brazil, banks fund their lending operations on a daily basis, buying and selling interbank certificates of deposit which mature the following day.

2.   Many banks fund bond purchases by issuing securities with maturities of three months or less.

3.   The development bank funds projects in nine Muslim member-countries, and also funds Muslim projects in non-member countries.

4.   The project is partly modeled on successful poverty reduction programs the bank has funded in other parts of western China, according to a bank publication.

5.   Currently only about five percent of the total Kuala Lumpour Stock Exchange capitalisation is funded by banks.

6.   Koll also said low interest rates were vital in ensuring that bank funding costs were kept close to zero, permitting them to rebuild their balance sheets.

n. + fund >>共 283
investor 13.56%
government 9.91%
money 7.08%
state 2.59%
company 2.48%
grant 1.89%
group 1.53%
taxpayer 1.42%
donation 1.42%
bill 1.42%
bank 0.71%
bank + v. >>共 793
be 11.94%
say 7.17%
have 5.85%
make 1.73%
sell 1.17%
offer 1.14%
charge 1.06%
take 1.05%
plan 0.96%
use 0.94%
fund 0.04%
每页显示:    共 6