1.   They banged tables and a little old professor would shout and stab the air with his cigar.

2.   The baby kept banging the table with his spoon.

3.   There is no point in shouting or banging the table.

4.   It really echoes when you bang the table.

5.   Every complaint to a member of Congress brings assurances that tables will be banged this very afternoon to ensure that the injustice is immediately corrected.

6.   Hooting and hollering, banging the tables, the Teamsters wanted more, as did millions at home.

7.   Occasionally he banged the table with his fist.

8.   The police got angry and banged the table.

v. + table >>共 383
turn 18.35%
set 7.05%
wait 3.95%
set_up 3.35%
run 2.33%
have 2.13%
clear 1.88%
cover 1.88%
get 1.62%
leave 1.47%
bang 0.41%
bang + n. >>共 136
head 21.31%
drum 12.02%
fist 4.74%
knee 4.37%
gavel 4.01%
stick 3.28%
body 2.55%
pot 2.19%
door 1.82%
ball 1.64%
table 1.46%
每页显示:    共 8