1.   Is the band touring this year?

2.   Black swing bands toured the Texas circuit.

3.   Is it a victory for Ticketmaster, proof that no major band can tour without its services?

4.   It has been widely reported that the band will be touring again next year, but Jagger refused to be specific about any plans that may exist.

5.   It used to be a band would tour on its own.

6.   Now that neither band tours, Widespread is top dog.

7.   Skinhead bands tour the continent and distribute their albums and videos through established music labels in Sweden, Britain and Denmark.

8.   So the bands tour constantly to promote sales.

9.   The band also toured last fall with the Cramps and now has a solid foothold in America.

10.   The band will tour through September, take a few weeks off, then start recording its next album in October.

n. + tour >>共 240
official 7.63%
group 5.80%
team 4.98%
band 3.32%
visitor 2.82%
delegation 2.65%
president 2.49%
company 1.82%
minister 1.82%
reporter 1.66%
band + v. >>共 693
be 13.74%
play 12.50%
have 4.66%
perform 2.30%
do 1.48%
take 1.42%
go 1.33%
make 1.12%
come 1.06%
get 1.03%
tour 0.61%
每页显示:    共 20