1.   But the injunction was overturned by the New York Court of Appeals, which said such a book ban would effectively violate the First Amendment.

2.   He and many interest groups believe the issue ads ban violates constitutionally protected free speech, while doing nothing to limit news organizations from endorsing candidates and influencing voters.

3.   If no real children were used and the pictures did not cross the line into obscenity, the ban violates the First Amendment, the court said.

4.   In a dissenting opinion, judge Fred Parker said the ban violates the First Amendment and fails to promote a military objective.

5.   Minnesota election officials defended the laws, arguing that states have the power to regulate their own elections and that the Minnesota fusion ban did not violate the Constitution.

6.   On Thursday, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that there was an insufficient record to determine whether the ban violated the equal-protection clause of the Florida Constitution.

7.   Opponents of the McCain-Feingold bill say the ban violates free speech.

8.   Some suggest that the move is partly motivated by the uncomfortable realization that the current ban might violate world trade agreements.

9.   Supporters of the repeal argued passionately that the ban violated personal freedom to own firearms and that the government should aim its sanctions at criminals.

10.   The ban apparently violates the North American Free Trade Agreement and unquestionably violates internal trade deals between the Canadian provinces.

n. + violate >>共 825
law 4.39%
company 2.77%
action 1.94%
government 1.81%
plane 1.66%
plan 1.27%
deal 1.15%
practice 1.11%
policy 1.11%
program 1.11%
ban 0.86%
ban + v. >>共 305
be 29.14%
apply 5.69%
come 3.15%
remain 2.91%
cover 2.82%
take 2.73%
go 2.26%
have 2.26%
affect 1.83%
include 1.83%
violate 1.27%
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