1.   THEIR small engines sound like a squadron of amplified hornets and the planes are built from nothing more substantial than treated paper stretched over balsa wood.

2.   A lamp, instead of flowers, will claim the centerpiece, from which clock hands made of lightweight balsa wood will extend.

3.   He tried a variety of small models powered by rubber bands, using balsa wood obtained from toy stores for the rotors and other parts.

4.   He started out with stubbies, stumps of balsa wood that he tied onto his abbreviated limbs.

5.   Hobbyists spend countless winter hours, as well as dollars, developing blueprints, cutting balsa wood, installing engines and dreaming of greener pastures.

6.   It could be minted in fine balsa wood.

7.   Some bats are so light they seem to be made out of balsa wood.

8.   Tan, with dark flecks of grain, it looks like polished balsa wood, and it might be hard to live with.

9.   The thing about it is, the lances that we were using were made of balsa wood, which is not that heavy.

10.   Following specifications from rafts still in use in South America, he built the Kon-Tiki from light-weight balsa wood.

n. + wood >>共 133
scrap 9.06%
pine 8.74%
fairway 6.47%
punky 3.56%
balsa 3.24%
north 2.59%
old-growth 1.62%
ground 1.62%
mesquite 1.62%
alder 1.29%
balsa + n. >>共 9
wood 52.63%
log 10.53%
bat 5.26%
boat 5.26%
budget 5.26%
campesina 5.26%
ornament 5.26%
raft 5.26%
tibia 5.26%
每页显示:    共 10