1.   Two deaths were blamed on the catheters, which are inserted in an artery, where a balloon tip is inflated to clear cardiac blockages.

2.   Doctors performed an angioplasty, in which a catheter with a balloon tip is used to open the clogged artery.

3.   In balloon angioplasty, a catheter with a balloon tip is inserted into the artery to push the blockage aside.

4.   The process involves the insertion of a catheter through an incision and inflating a balloon tip to clear up fatty deposits stuck to artery walls.

5.   The process involves the insertion of a catheter through an incision and inflating a balloon tip to clear up fatty deposits on artery walls.

n. + tip >>共 271
safety 5.69%
rubbish 3.63%
rod 3.00%
finger 2.69%
travel 2.53%
asparagus 2.37%
telephone 2.37%
news 1.58%
branch 1.58%
survival 1.42%
balloon 0.79%
balloon + n. >>共 189
angioplasty 11.45%
flight 8.73%
catheter 3.27%
pilot 3.27%
team 3.09%
payment 3.09%
ride 2.91%
drop 2.55%
race 2.36%
trip 2.36%
tip 0.91%
每页显示:    共 5