1.   An application of a balanced fertilizer in June is beneficial when soil fertility is low.

2.   An application of a balanced fertilizer once a month generally is adequate, but some gardeners apply diluted applications more often.

3.   An occasional application of fish emulsion or a balanced fertilizer during the growing season is beneficial.

4.   And only use diluted applications of a balanced fertilizer with trace elements.

5.   Apply a balanced fertilizer biweekly or monthly if needed.

6.   Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring, and water in.

7.   Boost blooms with monthly applications of a balanced fertilizer.

8.   Adding a balanced fertilizer, half strength to quarter strength, every time you water, will result in both flowers and deep, dark green leaves.

9.   Continue this throughout the bloom season, alternating with a balanced fertilizer in the summer, when the plant is in active growth.

10.   Enrich the soil with a balanced organic fertilizer before you plant, adding the dose recommended on the product label.

a. + fertilizer >>共 181
chemical 15.38%
balanced 5.93%
liquid 5.27%
organic 4.40%
artificial 2.42%
natural 2.20%
soluble 1.98%
synthetic 1.76%
higher 1.54%
nitrogen-based 1.54%
balanced + n. >>共 316
budget 61.28%
fund 4.04%
attack 2.34%
approach 2.06%
portfolio 1.11%
view 1.11%
fertilizer 1.07%
team 1.07%
offense 0.91%
life 0.79%
每页显示:    共 27