1.   Some women get relief from oral contraceptives to balance their hormones.

2.   This system balances the hormones that regulate our metabolism and affect almost every system and organ in our body.

3.   He gave me some drugs to balance my hormones and lower my prolactin.

4.   The herb that would be of benefit would be vitex agnus castus to help balance the hormones.

5.   These should help balance the hormones which of course are further imbalanced by taking the Pill.

6.   Two helpful herbs are chastetree and peony which act to balance hormones generally as well as being specific for this problem.

v. + hormone >>共 98
take 18.60%
use 9.43%
produce 7.82%
contain 4.31%
release 4.31%
secrete 3.50%
block 2.70%
mimic 2.70%
give 2.16%
balance 1.62%
balance + n. >>共 672
budget 43.57%
book 3.70%
need 2.35%
checkbook 2.05%
demand 1.52%
interest 1.36%
account 1.22%
concern 0.89%
risk 0.63%
right 0.60%
hormone 0.20%
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