1.   A firm must strive to maintain a balance between business and financial risk.

2.   A well-run firm must strive to maintain an appropriate balance between business and financial risk.

3.   Accounts receivable management requires striking a balance between the cost of extending credit and the benefit received from extending credit.

4.   Adenosine helps regulate the delicate balance between blood flow and urine output.

5.   Another key issue for the fund is to define the balance between supplying new commodities and strengthening health systems.

6.   Britain has gone farther than any country in the West towards getting a balance between private affluence and public consumption.

7.   But he always finds the right balance between darkness and light.

8.   Clinical tests have shown this frequency gives the best balance between thorough cleaning and personal comfort.

9.   Eastin is trying to strike a balance between family life and her work.

10.   Find the right balance between enough exercise and enough rest.

n. + between >>共 678
talk 4.69%
relationship 3.77%
link 3.47%
tension 3.40%
meeting 3.26%
gap 2.35%
agreement 2.08%
tie 2.00%
negotiation 2.00%
cooperation 1.96%
balance 0.91%
balance + p. >>共 54
of 33.34%
between 26.77%
in 12.21%
with 3.96%
on 3.87%
to 3.68%
for 2.80%
by 1.67%
as 1.16%
out 0.91%
每页显示:    共 846