1.   And not to worry, baking instructions are included.

2.   Cake mixes work fine, and most have cooking times for cupcakes with the baking instructions.

3.   Cover jar, decorate as a gift, and attach card with baking instructions.

4.   Place second sheet in oven and repeat baking instructions.

5.   Top off with fabric and ribbon and attach a gift card with baking instructions.

6.   When she died, I found a recipe for it among her cookbooks, but it had only the ingredients, not the baking instructions.

a. + instruction >>共 521
detailed 4.58%
religious 4.31%
further 2.94%
specific 2.67%
written 2.62%
step-by-step 2.56%
special 2.18%
strict 1.96%
new 1.91%
public 1.58%
baking 0.33%
baking + n. >>共 135
sheet 42.57%
dish 19.96%
pan 12.87%
time 2.95%
tray 1.92%
bread 1.62%
mix 1.26%
cookie 0.78%
company 0.78%
heat 0.66%
instruction 0.36%
每页显示:    共 6