1.   He said the timing was good for the offering since the baht has stabilised while the stock market is favourable.

2.   If no one knows when the baht will stabilise then it would be difficult to know how to nurture the economy.

3.   If the markets are convinced that Thailand is implementing the reform programme completely and on time, investor confidence will return and the baht will stabilise.

4.   Jaturong said he is not sure whether there were greater foreign capital inflows in the second half of May, given that the baht stabilised for the month.

5.   Olarn Chaipravat, president of Siam Commercial Bank, said he could not say when the baht will stabilise.

6.   The Finance Ministry and the International Monetary Fund earlier cautioned against a hasty move to lower interest rates reasoning that the baht had not stabilised.

7.   The timing for this is right as the baht has stabilised and the stock market has regained some strength.

n. + stabilise >>共 52
market 14.52%
price 10.48%
situation 8.06%
condition 7.26%
baht 5.65%
economy 4.84%
currency 4.84%
franc 4.03%
ringgit 2.42%
jobber 1.61%
baht + v. >>共 90
be 13.45%
continue 7.27%
fall 6.18%
strengthen 3.64%
lose 3.64%
make 3.64%
float 3.64%
become 2.91%
weaken 2.91%
stabilise 2.55%
每页显示:    共 7