1.   The other day for example, at a neighborhood Market, I saw a woman carrying grocery bags open her car trunk.

2.   As it flew toward the water, the bag opened.

3.   A flat oblong bag opens into a roomy pouch.

4.   But some safety advocates said the government was taking the wrong approach and should have instead required that the bags not open in low-speed collisions.

5.   David Giroux, a spokesman for Ford Motor Co., estimates a bag could open with half the current force and still provide adequate protection.

n. + open >>共 988
gunman 4.54%
door 3.71%
police 3.26%
soldier 2.44%
market 2.19%
stock 2.10%
troop 1.84%
price 1.49%
government 1.41%
company 1.35%
bag 0.04%
bag + v. >>共 216
be 29.81%
contain 9.63%
have 3.60%
fill 3.25%
come 2.78%
make 1.62%
arrive 1.51%
go 1.51%
inflate 1.16%
hang 1.16%
open 0.70%
每页显示:    共 6