1.   He generated a lot of bad will and admits he failed to delegate authority and ignored the public relations aspect of the job.

2.   Rocker, on the other hand, incessantly radiates bad will and worse intentions.

3.   Robbing Sinn Fein of a place at the table will only create more bad will among its own constituency.

4.   Then, too, banks are loath to fight high-profile battles against discrimination charges because of the bad will it generates.

5.   This aggravating form of advertising can create a lot of bad will.

6.   This half-hour comedy set in a bar in South Boston is not as much about good will as some bad will.

a. + will >>共 388
political 31.89%
likely 5.13%
strong 4.09%
popular 2.16%
last 1.52%
sheer 1.44%
national 1.12%
international 0.96%
collective 0.96%
divine 0.96%
bad 0.48%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
will 0.02%
每页显示:    共 6