1.   A healthy competition for places is never a bad thing and only Campbell, Scholes and Beckham are virtually certain of selection.

2.   A short spell of hard work in quiet surroundings would not be a bad thing.

3.   And it is also good to think in terms of what bad things could happen.

4.   Clearly, he has realized how bad things already are.

5.   If we start pointing fingers, bad things start getting in the newspapers and everyone gets mad.

6.   It made me want to run out and play the first two albums post haste, which is no bad thing.

7.   It shows that however bad things are now - and they are pretty desperate - they are going to get much worse.

8.   It was going to be a present for herself, a comfort after the bad things she had endured.

9.   Making big changes in your diet all at once is a bad thing to do.

10.   Munro-bagging should be kept in perspective, too, and the autumn semi-moratorium is no bad thing.

a. + thing >>共 548
same 10.88%
only 7.33%
good 6.85%
right 4.11%
whole 4.09%
important 3.44%
best 2.91%
last 2.84%
first 2.53%
bad 2.38%
bad + n. >>共 658
weather 8.82%
loan 5.63%
thing 3.68%
guy 3.57%
luck 3.23%
day 2.71%
time 2.34%
idea 2.01%
one 1.39%
publicity 1.24%
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