1.   Although the bacteria can multiply in soft cheeses, they also can occur in hard cheese without posing such a danger.

2.   Bacteria multiply quickly in warm food.

3.   The bacteria multiply rapidly in warm, moist conditions.

4.   At higher temperatures, bacteria multiply more quickly.

5.   Bacteria multiply rapidly at room temperature and in the hours it takes for a turkey to thaw, the surface bacteria could multiply to dangerous levels.

6.   Bacteria multiply rapidly at room temperature, and in the hours it takes for a turkey to thaw, the surface bacteria could multiply to dangerous levels.

7.   If anthrax bacteria are multiplying, the white blood cells should start clustering around the infection days before outward symptoms appear.

8.   Lack of light and poor ventilation help the bacteria multiply.

9.   Loopers eat the plant that has been dusted with BT, and die when the bacteria multiply inside the looper and literally clog up its digestive system.

10.   Once the bacteria have multiplied, doctors can see through a microscope if the bacteria are rod-shaped like anthrax bacilli.

n. + multiply >>共 260
cell 4.29%
bacterium 4.04%
number 3.79%
problem 2.02%
virus 2.02%
sign 1.52%
plant 1.52%
question 1.26%
money 1.01%
million 1.01%
bacterium + v. >>共 226
be 17.43%
cause 10.42%
grow 3.31%
produce 2.82%
enter 2.53%
have 2.43%
live 2.34%
become 1.95%
make 1.85%
multiply 1.56%
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