1.   Exactly how the bacteria infected Lakin and turned deadly may never be known, George said.

2.   Now a Pennsylvania biotechnology company has patented a method that is expected to determine quickly which bacteria have infected a patient and which antibiotic will best kill them.

3.   Once in the human bloodstream, the bacteria infect and swell the lymph nodes, a condition called bubonic plague.

4.   Salmonella bacteria commonly infect animals and poultry, and people can contract infections from contaminated raw meat, poultry, eggs, water, kitchen surfaces, and utensils.

5.   The bacteria quickly infect healthy trees, causing lesions on the branches, fruit and leaves.

6.   The bacteria normally infects and grows inside human immune system white cells called granulocytes.

7.   The bacteria cannot infect intact skin.

8.   The North Dakota man had cutaneous, not inhalational, anthrax, meaning the infection began in his skin, the most common way the bacteria infect humans.

9.   Doctors said they were infected by bacteria while harvesting grain on lands that were flooded two weeks ago.

10.   The bacteria can infect both sexes, but its most serious effect is in women who can suffer pelvic pain and scarring that can cause infertility.

n. + infect >>共 188
virus 15.94%
bacterium 3.86%
disease 3.34%
people 3.34%
man 2.31%
bug 1.80%
fever 1.54%
researcher 1.54%
corruption 1.29%
number 1.29%
bacterium + v. >>共 226
be 17.43%
cause 10.42%
grow 3.31%
produce 2.82%
enter 2.53%
have 2.43%
live 2.34%
become 1.95%
make 1.85%
multiply 1.56%
infect 1.46%
每页显示:    共 15