1.   In the worst cases, the bacteria attacks the kidneys, causing serious damage and sometimes death.

2.   Once the spores are inhaled and germinate, the bacteria attack the lymph nodes.

3.   The bacteria can attack the liver of those affected.

4.   Qssous, a surgeon, told The Associated Press the bacteria attacks the lymphatic glands causing viral inflammation that normally takes a few months to cure.

5.   Scientists at Cornell University discovered that the protein triggers a response in plants that closes down the pathways by which the bacteria can attack them.

6.   The bacteria attack and destroy skin and muscle.

7.   The bacterium attacks the intestine of humans and can cause death by severe dehydration resulting from diarrhea.

8.   Anthrax bacteria routinely attack livestock which can be protected by a vaccine, but can also attack humans.

9.   Anthrax bacteria routinely attack livestock, which can be protected by a vaccine, but can also attack humans, giving rise to fears of possible anthrax terror attacks.

10.   Anthrax bacteria routinely attack livestock which can be protected by a vaccine, but can also attack humans, giving rise to fears of possible anthrax terror attacks.

n. + attack >>共 840
rebel 8.85%
guerrilla 5.22%
warplane 4.73%
force 4.26%
gunman 3.00%
mob 2.57%
militant 2.43%
troop 2.40%
group 2.34%
man 2.19%
bacterium 0.17%
bacterium + v. >>共 226
be 17.43%
cause 10.42%
grow 3.31%
produce 2.82%
enter 2.53%
have 2.43%
live 2.34%
become 1.95%
make 1.85%
multiply 1.56%
attack 1.07%
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