1.   All the fuss was about a sandwich that can technically be called a bacon burger.

2.   However, the market for frozen bellies has become year-round, thanks to the growing popularity of bacon burgers at fast food chains.

3.   Jack in the Box has been offering the big-daddy of all bacon burgers -- the Colossus, which has four strips of bacon -- for several years.

4.   Like double bacon burgers with extra cheese, big stores are tough to resist.

5.   Too many triple-patty, double-cheese bacon burgers devoured by couch potatoes for too many years can settle upon oneself in unflattering, unhealthy ways.

n. + burger >>共 70
veggie 19.88%
turkey 8.43%
shrimp 4.22%
soy 4.22%
fast-food 3.61%
beef 3.61%
buffalo 3.61%
tuna 3.61%
bacon 3.01%
fish 1.81%
bacon + n. >>共 55
grease 11.98%
fat 11.52%
dripping 9.68%
bit 8.76%
sandwich 8.29%
cheeseburger 5.07%
strip 5.07%
piece 4.15%
burger 2.30%
consumption 2.30%
每页显示:    共 5