1.   I add at least a sliver to most mayonnaise recipes as a gentle background flavor.

2.   Just a pinch of cinnamon is added to the chocolate and coffee to give background flavor to these brownies.

3.   Sausages are often used as a background flavor.

4.   The chorizo adds background flavor and a kind of intangible body and definition to these dishes.

5.   This background flavor gives the dressing a complexity that balances the sweet fruit and tart citrus.

n. + flavor >>共 225
fruit 11.68%
corn 3.39%
butter 3.01%
apple 3.01%
berry 2.45%
lemon 2.45%
tea 2.45%
anise 2.07%
onion 2.07%
licorice 1.88%
background 0.94%
background + n. >>共 235
check 51.21%
music 6.61%
noise 6.23%
information 5.40%
investigation 2.13%
material 1.63%
radiation 1.46%
report 1.34%
file 0.96%
activity 0.79%
flavor 0.21%
每页显示:    共 5