1.   Both candidates have identical positions on Puerto Rico, saying they would back statehood if a majority of voters on the island support it.

2.   Palestinians want a written assurance that the United States will back Palestinian statehood in exchange for a delay in its declaration, a Palestinian official said Sunday.

3.   Palestinians want a written assurance that the United States will back Palestinian statehood in exchange for a delay in its declaration.

4.   Herbst did not talk to reporters, but U.S. officials indicated the letter would back the one-year extension, although it stopped short of backing statehood.

5.   Last week, Clinton explicitly backed statehood.

6.   Two locally organized plebiscites have failed to produce a majority backing statehood, but Rossello claims the statehood numbers would increase if Congress promised to recognize the results.

7.   U.S. officials indicated that the letter stopped short of backing statehood.

8.   U.S. officials indicated the letter would back the one-year extension, although it stopped short of backing statehood.

v. + statehood >>共 67
declare 26.99%
oppose 13.07%
support 6.53%
favor 5.11%
endorse 3.98%
demand 3.98%
achieve 3.13%
back 2.27%
obtain 1.99%
grant 1.70%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
statehood 0.12%
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