1.   An extraterrestrial back flips off the Guggenheim Museum.

2.   Back flips and splits, not nuance, are the norm.

3.   It is a severe, racklike table that looks as if it were inviting the user to join it in a back flip.

4.   Then, I got fascinated with the art form and the mechanics of asking my voice to do double turns and back flips.

5.   Then a third young man takes a running start from the far end of the waterfront and back flips past the tourists a dozen times in a row.

n. + flip >>共 207
car 7.61%
bus 4.62%
vehicle 3.26%
boat 2.99%
calendar 2.72%
truck 2.72%
wind 2.17%
people 1.63%
plane 1.63%
back 1.36%
back + v. >>共 340
be 27.76%
work 4.73%
feel 2.85%
have 2.33%
go 2.33%
hurt 2.10%
ache 1.95%
bother 1.65%
get 1.43%
do 1.35%
flip 0.38%
每页显示:    共 5