1.   Although the Republican leaders have used some of their Virginia money to back local candidates, most of it has not not been spent in the Old Dominion.

2.   Bloomberg appeared with prominent black business leaders who more typically back Democratic candidates for mayor.

3.   A group of business lobbyists, in affiliation with Sen. Stan Barnes, R-Mesa, are backing candidates considered to be pro-business.

4.   A strong voter turnout for Sharpton in predominantly black sections of the city could create competitive races in Council districts in which Sharpton might back insurgent candidates.

5.   According to Garcia, the Democrats and Republicans were willing to back Hispanic candidates in overwhelmingly Hispanic districts but were reluctant to support them for wider offices.

6.   Also a top bundler was Howard J. Rubenstein, a public relations executive who has long backed Democratic candidates.

7.   Businessmen are backing various candidates for top posts, in ways that make other Somalis nervous about the influence they may have on a new government.

8.   But a few environmental leaders back candidates of the splinter Green Party, which threatens to drain votes away from the New Democrats.

9.   But Gov. Fife Symington and other political observers have said Buchanan may prevail because his supporters appear more committed than those backing other candidates.

10.   But he also saw candidates backed by city employee unions and some city council members win a sweeping victory in races for seats on the charter reform commission.

v. + candidate >>共 695
endorse 4.35%
support 3.78%
choose 3.58%
field 3.58%
interview 2.60%
have 2.40%
nominate 2.32%
back 2.14%
help 2.03%
select 1.83%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
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