1.   They were armed with pick axe handles and staves.

2.   Elstob was brandishing a pick axe handle and both men were wearing balaclavas.

3.   In a show of strength, she said a gang descended on the Market Trader on the Sunday wielding staves, pick axe handles and other weapons.

4.   In a show of strength, she said a gang descended on the Market Trader on the Sunday wielding staves, and pick axe handles.

5.   Things were about to get ugly, the clerk realized, since the older woman was standing there at the counter holding an axe handle.

6.   Prosecutor Karim Khalil said Blenkinsop was one of three people who attacked Cass with wooden staves and pick axe handles.

7.   An accomplice, found in possession of tear gas bombs, a pick axe handle and a Nazi flag, was also sentenced to six months in jail.

n. + handle >>共 177
door 22.47%
broom 7.22%
grab 3.09%
file 3.09%
ax 2.06%
brass 1.86%
axe 1.65%
faucet 1.65%
knife 1.44%
bat 1.44%
axe + n. >>共 8
handle 47.06%
blow 17.65%
attack 5.88%
fall 5.88%
midway 5.88%
murderer 5.88%
player 5.88%
wound 5.88%
每页显示:    共 8