1.   It worries about offending Americans and frightening away investment.

2.   The corruption has also played a pivotal role in driving away foreign investment, seen as the only way to free Bosnia from dependence on foreign assistance.

3.   The government has feared that raising rates would cause social instability or drive away foreign investment.

4.   The Khmer Rouge has targeted tourists for violence in hopes of frightening away investment that might bolster the Cambodian government.

5.   A series of coup attempts against his successor, Corazon Aquino, destabilized the government and frightened away foreign investment.

6.   A stronger greenback makes it difficult for Asian countries to cut interest rates without scaring away investment money, hurting the chances of a regional recovery.

7.   Business leaders have warned that the violence is keeping away foreign investment.

8.   Continuing human rights abuses by the Indonesian military and guerrilla warfare kept away foreign investment needed to develop tourism and industry.

9.   His regime has driven away foreign investment and forced foreign oil companies to curb operations here.

10.   In the past, human rights abuses by the Indonesian military have kept away foreign investments.

a. + investment >>共 796
foreign 19.94%
private 4.05%
new 3.69%
direct 2.55%
long-term 1.63%
major 1.44%
good 1.42%
japanese 1.28%
chief 1.23%
large 1.06%
away 0.07%
away + n. >>共 718
tear 8.80%
game 4.28%
match 3.29%
goal 2.65%
investor 2.31%
win 2.01%
money 1.67%
customer 1.33%
reporter 1.13%
victory 0.93%
investment 0.69%
每页显示:    共 14