1.   Also, two other juveniles have been charged and are awaiting a hearing later this month that could send them to adult court to face murder charges.

2.   Another, the Zhong Gong, has a leader-founder who also fled China and is now awaiting political asylum hearings in Guam.

3.   Arbit agreed, under tremendous pressure from the department, to forfeit his license while he awaited a hearing.

4.   As Barnes awaits another hearing, she is sad, remorseful, and confused, said her attorneys, Michael Wilcox and Louis Aloise.

5.   As the case awaits hearing, fewer students on campus remember what it was like to use the fraternity houses.

6.   Awaiting hearings on her plea for asylum, for more than a year she endured body searches, shackles and poor sanitation at a federal detention center.

7.   Awaiting deportation hearings, they are forbidden to work by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.

8.   Before the program aliens were sent to federal detention centers after serving their terms to await deportation hearings.

9.   Bloch, who is in a New York prison awaiting hearings on the earlier fraud case, has denied cheating investors.

10.   But his campaign was unable to claim the victory it had expected, as both sides awaited a hearing on Monday in the Florida Supreme Court.

v. + hearing >>共 341
hold 27.61%
schedule 11.86%
attend 5.86%
conduct 3.31%
begin 2.89%
pend 2.76%
adjourn 2.69%
have 2.53%
postpone 2.08%
plan 1.85%
await 1.12%
await + n. >>共 894
trial 17.80%
approval 5.41%
result 4.88%
outcome 3.75%
word 2.81%
release 2.50%
decision 2.28%
arrival 2.10%
action 1.88%
report 1.73%
hearing 0.81%
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