1.   Although a killer application still awaits discovery, proponents of on-line radio see some possible uses and benefits of the new technology.

2.   However subtle we are forced to make our idea of science, nature remains an independent realm awaiting discovery.

3.   There is a surprising number of medieval houses still standing, sometimes quite unexpectedly awaiting discovery.

4.   So it is with bone loss in space, where the right prescription still awaits discovery.

5.   Countless more probably await discovery in the tropics.

6.   Every film mentioned here is available on video, awaiting your discovery.

7.   Haseltine, and dozens of other researchers, say that unique genes, unlike any others previously decoded, still await discovery.

8.   Hints of others have already been found, and others may be awaiting discovery .

9.   Others probably await discovery much closer to this planet, they said.

10.   Perhaps the safe awaits discovery amid the trade-center rubble on Staten Island.

v. + discovery >>共 203
make 27.86%
follow 13.30%
announce 9.22%
report 5.63%
confirm 1.84%
describe 1.65%
await 1.55%
hail 1.17%
share 1.07%
say 0.97%
await + n. >>共 894
trial 17.80%
approval 5.41%
result 4.88%
outcome 3.75%
word 2.81%
release 2.50%
decision 2.28%
arrival 2.10%
action 1.88%
report 1.73%
discovery 0.21%
每页显示:    共 16