1.   But it is equally true, I think, that we should avoid gestures likely to do more harm than good.

2.   Conversely, the presenter avoids any gestures that might inadvertently set up a barrier.

3.   He avoids histrionic gestures, letting the majestic rhythms of the epic seize our emotions and guide them through the action.

4.   In his scores for Truffaut he avoided grand gestures that might tell the viewer what was coming, creating instead a smoothly flowing psychological backdrop.

5.   It also helps to avoid some gestures we can think of.

6.   The agreement avoids symbolic gestures that create a good impression while making the situation worse.

7.   Hand gestures are best avoided with all visitors.

v. + gesture >>共 167
make 41.90%
use 4.90%
appreciate 3.86%
return 2.08%
repeat 1.63%
offer 1.49%
welcome 1.34%
follow 1.34%
dismiss 1.19%
see 1.19%
avoid 1.04%
avoid + n. >>共 1364
problem 2.23%
confrontation 1.84%
conflict 1.24%
tax 1.18%
detection 1.11%
injury 0.98%
risk 0.91%
contact 0.90%
arrest 0.86%
trouble 0.84%
gesture 0.04%
每页显示:    共 7