1.   After the operation, you should avoid strenuous exercise.

2.   Pregnant women should avoid strenuous exercise.

3.   The doctor advised Ken to avoid strenuous exercise.

4.   Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening.

5.   -- Avoid strenuous exercise.

6.   Advised by doctors to avoid strenuous exercise, he nevertheless learned to swim and spent much of his time at beaches where he developed a love of the ocean.

7.   During such alerts, the AQMD recommends that people avoid strenuous exercise, particularly if they have health problems.

8.   Everybody, especially children, was advised to avoid prolonged exercise.

9.   Or perhaps you have always avoided exercise.

10.   Residents were advised to stay indoors and avoid outdoor exercise, and children were kept in classrooms during lunch and recess.

v. + exercise >>共 375
do 7.82%
conduct 7.20%
hold 6.99%
get 3.81%
include 2.03%
plan 1.98%
repeat 1.98%
stage 1.88%
begin 1.88%
carry 1.83%
avoid 0.99%
avoid + n. >>共 1364
problem 2.23%
confrontation 1.84%
conflict 1.24%
tax 1.18%
detection 1.11%
injury 0.98%
risk 0.91%
contact 0.90%
arrest 0.86%
trouble 0.84%
exercise 0.11%
每页显示:    共 19