1.   Also yesterday, EU Trade Commissioner Leon Brittan reiterated a warning against excluding European companies from an accord on auto and auto parts trade.

2.   And Washington, while opposing a specific market-share target for air carriers, is advocating just such goals in auto trade.

3.   At that time, U.S.-Japanese relations were tense because of a festering dispute over auto trade.

4.   Auto trade typically accounts for about two-thirds of the bilateral deficit.

5.   Auto trade is the biggest part of the record U.S. trade deficit with Japan.

6.   Changes in the flow of auto trade played a key role, figures showed.

7.   Clinton made the announcements during a White House ceremony highlighting progress in auto trade between the U.S. and Japan.

8.   In a last-ditch attempt to resolve their differences on auto trade, the U.S. and Japan will meet today and tomorrow in Geneva.

9.   Japanese diplomats told their U.S. counterparts yesterday Japan would not negotiate on auto trade until the U.S. drops its threat to levy punitive tariffs on Japanese cars.

10.   Late Wednesday, the U.S. and Japan reached an agreement in a long-simmering dispute over auto trade.

n. + trade >>共 664
drug 19.53%
world 7.05%
tourist 2.92%
sex 2.57%
retail 2.32%
auto 2.05%
arm 1.98%
narcotic 1.76%
cross-border 1.61%
border 1.33%
auto + n. >>共 600
industry 9.93%
maker 8.09%
part 7.14%
company 4.02%
sale 3.89%
market 3.05%
accident 2.62%
manufacturer 2.34%
plant 2.10%
racing 2.07%
trade 1.02%
每页显示:    共 82