1.   Er Lord Allen in favour of co-option and a local authority majority.

2.   Lord Rippon in favour of a local authority majority and co-option.

3.   Lord Callaghan in favour of a local authority majority and co-option.

4.   Lord Motterstone in favour of a local authority majority and co-option.

5.   Lord Knights in favour of a local authority majority and co-option.

6.   Er Lord Elton in favour of a local authority majority.

7.   Lord Tenby in favour of a local authority majority and c and co-option.

n. + majority >>共 127
court 13.65%
one-vote 6.12%
one-seat 5.41%
government 4.47%
three-quarter 4.00%
parliament 3.53%
state 3.06%
opposition 3.06%
right-wing 2.12%
board 2.12%
authority 1.65%
authority + n. >>共 340
figure 13.30%
official 6.05%
say 4.54%
spokesman 3.35%
claim 2.49%
suspect 1.95%
chairman 1.95%
plan 1.51%
fear 1.19%
control 1.08%
majority 0.76%
每页显示:    共 7