1.   Disrespect the authority figure out there on the field and then wonder why the kids do it in their classrooms.

2.   I grew up with this deep hatred for authority figures.

3.   It was their word against a powerful authority figure, and they thought no one would believe them.

4.   It would seem that we are far more likely to obey unquestioningly when the authority figure is actually present.

5.   One wonders what is the unspoken view of the other authority figures involved in setting this up?

6.   She never acted like an authority figure or pulled rank on me.

7.   The more status you give to a large number of authority figures, the more, relatively, you diminish your own.

8.   The teacher is an authority figure, like the parent.

9.   Many prefer a familiar authority figure to a young upstart.

10.   It is thereby often based on a childhood authority figure such as the father or mother.

n. + figure >>共 985
casualty 8.46%
opposition 8.25%
government 4.06%
unemployment 3.77%
trade 3.24%
inflation 2.95%
employment 2.95%
action 2.57%
production 2.13%
sport 1.97%
authority 1.52%
authority + n. >>共 340
figure 13.30%
official 6.05%
say 4.54%
spokesman 3.35%
claim 2.49%
suspect 1.95%
chairman 1.95%
plan 1.51%
fear 1.19%
control 1.08%
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