1.   If authorities are failing to increase their spending on discretionary awards commensurately, that is their Decision.

2.   The authorities failed to obtain enough evidence to convict him.

3.   The authorities failed to regain control of the situation.

4.   The ones I spoke with believed that the authorities had failed to address the real issues.

5.   The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestricted emigration.

6.   It follows criticism that the authorities were failing to provide the same level of help for drug users which is available outside prison.

7.   And they have disputed the assertion of some experts that the authority had failed to adequately maintain the fireproofing.

8.   As in all such tales, the distressed family turns to the superhero when the authorities fail them.

9.   Authorities failed to check and discover that Davis had an outstanding warrant.

10.   After he was arrested, Virginia authorities failed to advise him of his right to confer with Paraguayan consular officials, as required by the Vienna Convention.

n. + fail >>共 1238
government 3.63%
effort 2.93%
talk 2.65%
company 2.31%
system 1.41%
official 1.36%
attempt 1.35%
negotiation 1.27%
team 1.20%
side 1.15%
authority 1.00%
authority + v. >>共 668
say 21.31%
be 4.79%
have 2.28%
believe 1.74%
arrest 1.68%
investigate 1.60%
refuse 1.49%
try 1.30%
take 1.14%
deny 0.91%
fail 0.40%
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