1.   All local authority social services departments offer different kinds of help and support.

2.   First, the Social Services Inspectorate is concerned with quality standards in services provided or contracted by local authority social services departments.

3.   This should ideally consist of a period in each of the different sections of a local authority legal department.

4.   Where the real issue is homelessness, a local authority social services department has the power to request the co-operation of any local housing authority.

5.   The duty to provide services for children in need is not confined to the local authority social services department.

6.   Individuals have a right of access to personal information about themselves held by local authority social services departments.

7.   In identifying such conduct, reliance is made on information forthcoming from local authority consumer protection departments.

8.   Mr McIntosh was largely responsible for marshalling and co-ordinating the various local authority departments involved in the huge recovery operation after the disaster.

n. + department >>共 851
police 19.41%
health 7.77%
government 6.26%
city 1.59%
justice 1.38%
finance 1.20%
research 1.16%
service 1.15%
education 1.02%
personnel 1.01%
authority 0.14%
authority + n. >>共 340
figure 13.30%
official 6.05%
say 4.54%
spokesman 3.35%
claim 2.49%
suspect 1.95%
chairman 1.95%
plan 1.51%
fear 1.19%
control 1.08%
department 0.97%
每页显示:    共 9