1.   Eventually the local authority associations agreed a self-denying ordinance and in many authorities councillors do not seek access to records on individuals.

2.   I propose to consult local authority associations on that very point.

3.   Local authority associations have identified the need for additional resources to provide both housing and education of the children of refugees.

4.   The department agreed to consider this in consultation with the local authority associations.

5.   As the Health Committee reflects many of the concerns raised by the local authority associations, the Association of Metropolitan Authorities was naturally jubilant.

6.   But local authority associations, professional bodies and voluntary groups must not become scapegoats for government complacency and inaction.

n. + association >>共 497
trade 13.55%
player 9.27%
industry 5.55%
business 2.86%
soccer 2.69%
neighborhood 2.33%
homeowner 2.24%
rifle 2.00%
football 1.67%
alumnus 1.59%
authority 0.33%
authority + n. >>共 340
figure 13.30%
official 6.05%
say 4.54%
spokesman 3.35%
claim 2.49%
suspect 1.95%
chairman 1.95%
plan 1.51%
fear 1.19%
control 1.08%
association 0.86%
每页显示:    共 8