1.   This will give police authorities access to their calls.

2.   It said Dominica has started to comply, with a new law that gives foreign authorities access to information from offshore banks and companies.

3.   Privacy groups had argued that the provision could give authorities access to information beyond the scope of the wiretap such as credit card or bank account numbers.

4.   The task force said Dominica has started to comply, with a new law that gives foreign authorities access to information from offshore banks and companies.

5.   But they allowed civilian authorities access to the prison, in a bid to show they were not rioting.

6.   But they allowed civilian authorities access to the prison, in a bid to prove they were not rioting.

n. + access >>共 593
market 9.15%
inspector 3.89%
medium 2.85%
computer 2.05%
company 1.93%
road 1.81%
internet 1.81%
user 1.65%
people 1.41%
customer 1.36%
authority 0.24%
authority + n. >>共 340
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say 4.54%
spokesman 3.35%
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每页显示:    共 6