1.   Laing is still preoccupied with the authentic self, the repressed human essence.

2.   Society should hold artists responsible for revealing their authentic selves, not for conforming to its own conventions.

3.   Yet underneath the silly clothes and the drawled putdowns is a sensitive, intelligent kid, still trying to figure out what her authentic self is.

4.   Yet underneath the silly clothes and drawled put-downs is a sensitive, intelligent kid, still trying to figure out what her authentic self is.

a. + self >>共 400
former 12.77%
usual 11.84%
old 11.42%
true 4.65%
inner 3.72%
normal 2.54%
younger 2.45%
real 1.95%
new 1.10%
public 0.85%
authentic 0.34%
authentic + n. >>共 433
food 2.03%
experience 1.88%
hero 1.59%
flavor 1.59%
dish 1.45%
voice 1.45%
restaurant 1.16%
feel 1.16%
cuisine 1.16%
material 1.16%
self 0.58%
每页显示:    共 4