1.   Auditors also faulted the alternative education programs for failing to track student performance to determine if they are learning or improving their behavior.

2.   Auditors faulted administrators for not making low-income elders aware of the program.

3.   Auditors also faulted the department for not having a central system for tracking restaurants with histories of repeat violations.

4.   The auditors faulted the Air Force for not monitoring such spending closely enough.

n. + fault >>共 111
critic 13.08%
report 8.85%
analyst 5.77%
group 3.85%
official 3.08%
double 2.69%
people 1.92%
investigation 1.92%
investigator 1.92%
expert 1.54%
auditor 1.54%
auditor + v. >>共 228
say 10.40%
find 8.39%
be 7.30%
have 4.19%
examine 1.55%
look 1.55%
note 1.40%
review 1.40%
discover 1.24%
question 1.24%
fault 0.62%
每页显示:    共 4