1.   And are auditors particularly well qualified to provide such a signal?

2.   Auditors should be responsible to a wider interest group than the shareholders.

3.   Auditors will also be able to give an opinion without resolution of all uncertain matters so removing an argument for delay.

4.   Just why this is called a boil-off and just why auditors are fond of the term is obscure.

5.   Lawyers are extorting money from audit firms on the principle that auditors are economically rational and settlements are cheaper than defences.

6.   Seeing this, finally suspecting, the auditor was able to gain her confidence and locate the despair charges.

7.   Auditors are not responsible for detecting every item of fraud and error.

8.   The words used say, almost invariably, that the auditors are to conduct the valuation, rather than an individual.

9.   The first one is what exactly the duty is so far as the auditor is concerned.

n. + be >>共 1635
problem 0.82%
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result 0.67%
thing 0.63%
report 0.57%
question 0.56%
official 0.55%
time 0.53%
issue 0.48%
auditor 0%
auditor + v. >>共 228
say 10.40%
find 8.39%
be 7.30%
have 4.19%
examine 1.55%
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note 1.40%
review 1.40%
discover 1.24%
question 1.24%
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