1.   Audiences roared with laughter.

2.   The audience roared with laughter and clapped.

3.   The audience roared its approval.

4.   And an unseen audience roars with laughter.

5.   And when the dancers onstage conclude a number with a jubilant roar, the audience roars right back.

6.   As the audience roared afterward, Cash allowed himself a grin.

7.   But his life sometimes seemed as out of control as the characters that made his audiences roar.

8.   By now the audience is roaring.

9.   Goldberg quipped, and the audience roared.

10.   His audience roared, sensing self-parody as he smiled broadly.

n. + roar >>共 253
crowd 23.65%
jet 9.21%
fan 4.08%
audience 3.80%
warplane 2.85%
plane 2.56%
fire 2.18%
helicopter 1.61%
economy 1.42%
engine 1.42%
audience + v. >>共 578
be 20.40%
have 3.24%
see 2.99%
respond 2.07%
want 2.00%
get 1.95%
laugh 1.85%
know 1.80%
seem 1.78%
cheer 1.53%
roar 0.97%
每页显示:    共 40