1.   Kadzik said every hour a person spends with a grand jury usually can be multiplied by three to five to determine how much time an attorney is involved.

2.   Keane said if McVeigh did agree to ask for a stay, it probably would be granted to allow his attorneys time to pore over the new documents.

3.   The cases that are being filed also are more complex, requiring more attorney time.

4.   His trial was postponed until October to give his court-appointed attorney time to prepare a defense.

n. + time >>共 683
season 10.97%
year 8.36%
injury 3.37%
jail 3.13%
air 3.11%
week 2.64%
prison 1.85%
tee 1.59%
vacation 1.51%
ice 1.50%
attorney 0.03%
attorney + n. >>共 77
fee 40.11%
claim 4.40%
husband 3.30%
group 3.30%
time 2.20%
office 1.65%
comment 1.65%
say 1.65%
conduct 1.10%
friend 1.10%
每页显示:    共 4