1.   Many state statutes provide for an award of attorney fees to the prevailing party.

2.   Yet the panel did not subtract the substantial liabilities Simpson has incurred, including tax bills, attorneys fees and bank loans.

3.   Although the new law allows a judge to award attorney fees to a property owner who wins a forfeiture case, that right already was available.

4.   Any effort by Murr to reopen arbitration on his fee would be fought again by Cornyn, who campaigned against big attorney fees paid by the state.

5.   As part of the settlement, the tobacco industry agreed to pay attorney fees and court costs.

6.   Attorney fees will be paid out of the settlement.

7.   Attorneys fees are permitted to the winners of some suits under the environmental laws.

8.   Attorney fees for the Joe Camel settlement have not yet been decided.

9.   Attorney fees tend to be lower in large settlements like this one.

10.   Attorney fees paid by businesses are another story, Steiner adds.

n. + fee >>共 630
transfer 4.67%
management 4.35%
user 3.15%
license 3.08%
subscription 3.06%
service 2.52%
entrance 2.52%
membership 2.35%
tuition 2.30%
admission 2.27%
attorney 1.79%
attorney + n. >>共 77
fee 40.11%
claim 4.40%
husband 3.30%
group 3.30%
time 2.20%
office 1.65%
comment 1.65%
say 1.65%
conduct 1.10%
friend 1.10%
每页显示:    共 73