1.   Such an attitude often hardens the attitude of those with whom one negotiates.

2.   As his attitude hardens, his character becomes more intriguing.

3.   As the relatives became increasingly attached to Elian, their attitudes hardened, and one can understand why.

4.   Attitudes have hardened to diamond strength.

5.   Attitudes are hardening in ways that will have real impact on the peace talks, which were already faltering since the failed Camp David summit in July.

6.   This attitude will harden if black Washingtonians see the white Congress insulting the new mayor and trying to strip the city of the few rights that it has.

7.   Long ignored, corruption cases have come to the forefront of political debate since Medecin fled and attitudes have hardened.

8.   With the recent rise of Russian nationalism and the anniversary of the end of the war, attitudes hardened.

9.   The United States, whose attitude has hardened in the past few days, wants the system of joint authorisation ended.

10.   The United States, whose attitude has hardened in the past few days, wants the system ended.

n. + harden >>共 172
position 4.98%
side 4.65%
line 3.32%
attitude 3.32%
year 2.66%
face 2.33%
eye 1.99%
government 1.66%
opposition 1.33%
chocolate 1.33%
attitude + v. >>共 325
be 35.49%
change 11.79%
have 2.33%
seem 1.99%
make 1.83%
help 1.61%
prevail 1.44%
reflect 1.27%
come 1.11%
begin 1.05%
harden 0.55%
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