1.   Mr. Budgen Surely that is a proper attitude for a Labour politician.

2.   The behavioural specialists are responsible for providing data and attitudes for the policy-makers which should redress the balance.

3.   The criteria for assessing the likely return on a project and attitudes for the risks involved will differ between sources of finance.

4.   Being a malcontent is a good attitude for any person seeking out the news.

5.   A lot of consumers have been using their ghetto passes to shop for fashion, music and attitude for a long time.

6.   But his attitude for life was what made you want to be around him.

7.   Communities and police departments must adopt a zero-tolerance attitude for crime.

8.   Company co-founder Gary Sinise has the proper cocksure swagger and in-your-face attitude for newly admitted patient Randle McMurphy.

9.   CK Be represents another, totally different attitude for the same or different people.

10.   For milder cases, Berent recommends self-help books -- such as his -- that teach internal techniques and positive attitudes for anxiety or stress management.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
attitude 0%
attitude + p. >>共 63
toward 29.13%
of 21.53%
to 9.53%
about 9.45%
towards 6.91%
in 5.62%
among 2.56%
on 2.45%
with 1.56%
by 1.24%
for 0.90%
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