1.   There is a full agenda and the clerk to the council is optimistic that a large number of villagers will attend to give their views on local issues.

2.   They learned aboutHizb ut-Tahrir, and attended lectures given by a recruiter for al Muhajiroun.

3.   Refusing to be instructed in Serb, they have instead gone underground for their education, attending lectures given in Albanian at private homes.

4.   The United Nations warned conference organizers that China would be outraged if the Dalai Lama attended, given his calls for an autonomous Tibet.

5.   Zaleha did not provide details, but said that Muslim couples will attend courses given by Islamic religious departments, Bernama reported.

6.   According to the new rules, officials from ministries and commissions will not be permitted to attend banquets given by NPC delegations or deputies.

v. + give >>共 551
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attend + v. >>共 70
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